transit route

英 [ˈtrænzɪt ruːt] 美 [ˈtrænzɪt ruːt]

网络  旅游通道; 交通路线; 中转途径



  1. This project has political appeal because it would bypass troublesome Ukraine as the main transit route for gas to Europe.
  2. Russia halted natural gas flows to Ukraine, a major transit route for EU gas, in June because of a dispute over price and payment arrears.
  3. I am a transit passenger en route to Tokyo.
  4. For America, it provides a vital transit route to Afghanistan.
  5. Without ratification, we put at risk the coalition that we have built to put pressure on Iran, and the transit route through Russia that we use to equip our troops in Afghanistan.
  6. This transfer/ fare receipt is valid for fare on any regular transit route in the greater Vancouver transit system on the date of issue up to the time cut off Below.
  7. Egypt is a small producer and actually imports a little oil. It is better known for its role as a transit route.
  8. Research on Rail Transit Passenger Route Choice Question Based on MNL
  9. It says the region is now a major transit route.
  10. During the festival period, grave-sweepers are advised to use the mass transit railway and get off at Kwai Fong station to take special bus service route No.
  11. The European Union will press Russia and Ukraine on Thursday to restore the flow of Russian gas to the EU with immediate effect, after securing apparent promises from both countries to let international experts monitor the transit pipeline route through Ukraine.
  12. The move poses a threat to other countries supplied by Gazprom, as Belarus is an important transit route for Russian gas exports to Europe.
  13. There was no accord on sharing river water, nor on an overland transit route through Bangladesh to India's landlocked north-eastern states.
  14. It is a transit route for fuel and military material to Afghanistan.
  15. The Design of Urban Rail Transit Route Sketch
  16. In this view, based on the four-stage traffic model theory, using O-D estimation method and stochastic user equilibrium assignment model, with the purpose of achieving a realistic and reasonable result, this paper has designed the transit route adjustment and effect analysis procedure.
  17. Estimation a Transit Route O-D Matrix Using On/ Off Data: An Application of Modified BP Artificial Neural Network
  18. An Analysis of the Event ant Its Marketing and Propagation& Take the event of "The Caravan and the Tea Transit Route · Paying the Auspicious Tribute Tea to the Capital" as an example
  19. This paper systematically analyzes the characteristics of traffic transit in highway network, explains the relative problems about inquire for the optimal route in highway network.
  20. Some Approaches to Option of Transit Passage Route in the East Part of Shenzhen City
  21. GIS-Based Public Transit Passenger Route Choice Model
  22. The paper researches Transit Network Design problem based on Candidate Route Generation and Transit Routes Optimal Choice which is related to Transit Assignment.
  23. Public transit route choice algorithm is a key technology for public transit system planning.
  24. In the basis of GPS real-time monitoring, using transit time to measure the distributed delivery route will be advanced, and then plan the delivery route, educe the suitable planning method for the actual distribution transportation route of this tobacco company.
  25. Second, from the perspective of Passenger forecast theory the paper study the intercity rail transit forecast methods and establishes the studying Technical Route.
  26. And then, analyzes influencing factors of mode split, A route choice model based on transit assignment algorithms is proposed, and the distribution rate of passenger flow in urban rail transit terminal station are fixed by route choice model.
  27. Finally, for example, ChongQing road in Qingdao city of bus rapid transit route laying, special lanes, site layout and the traffic operation security measures are studied, proposes the construction scheme of system, available for reference in similar engineering and discussion.
  28. There are several transit routes on the territory of Russia goes through, the most active of them is Trans-Siberian transit route ( TSR).
  29. Bus dispatching on urban transit route plays an important role in operational management of transit agencies.
  30. Accurately estimates the impact of rail transit on residential property prices along the route, and further explored the spatial effect, helps to enhance related research on the impact, and make pricing strategies for real estate developers and useful for home buyers make purchasing options.